The E-Procurement System automates the public procurement process and enables the interactions of Government to business services (G2B).
By using the online system, the Government purchases goods, works, services, and non-consultancy services to help the Government to ensure the efficiency of public procurement with the standardization of electronic documents, supplier registration, goods, and services information and to streamline public procurement transactions for efficient government service delivery.
UMUCYO is a single channel, portal, and point of access for Rwanda procuring entities allowing them to negotiate better contract terms and realize savings and achieve value for money.
It provides suppliers with increased access to markets without additional marketing efforts and a faster and more efficient method for quoting and increased order accuracy through receipt of electronic orders.
The E-Procurement System automates the public procurement process and enables the interactions of Government to business services (G2B).By using the online system, the Government purchases goods, works, services, and non-consultancy services to he...
Course content
Lesson E-procurement
Procurement plan preparation (Drafting, publishing)
Procurement Plan Approval
Request for RPPA No-objection
No objection approval
Assign to No Objection adm
Approving/Rejecting No Objection
No objection approval RPPA
Advertisement approval
Advertisement Amendment
Request for clarifications & communications
Response to clarifications & communications
Bids submission
Bids evaluation
Communication of complaints results
Communication with suppliers during bids evaluation
Receiving Notifications
Registering a complaint at PE level
Decision on a complaint at PE level
Notification of Complaint result
Viewing complaints decision
Registering a complaint at IRP level
Decision on a complaint at IRP level
Viewing complaints decision
Contract Delivery
Oversite auditing
Monitoring (list the different reports)
External/Internal Auditing
To give role of Auditor
How to request for access of PE Tenders
Register disposal
Proposal (Bidding) for disposed item
Item search/classification search
Request item and commodity codes
Content 8
Offline Contracts Reporting
Offline Contracts
Offline Contracts Reporting (Part 2)