Online training with RPPA
E-learning Platform


Online training with RPPA
E-learning Platform


About RPPA e-Learning Platform

It is RPPA’s mandate to develop professionalism of the staff involved in Public Procurement, and this e-Learning platform comes as yet another tool for capacity development and mentorship, taking into consideration the diversified needs of professionals and the fast evolving reforms, which require continuous and easy access to resourceful educative content.

Understanding Public Procurement Procedures

To achieve their daily responsibilities, public procuring entities need to purchase goods, works, services and consultancy services from successful bidders through competition to meet their needs. The law on public procurement, different procurement rules and regulations were put in place to make the whole public procurement process perform well. Through trainings, knowledge about the working system, process and principles of Public procurement is shared to raise efficiency and productivity, and encourage innovation.


e-Procurement – UMUCYO system is a single channel, portal and point of access for Rwanda public procuring entities to conduct procurement proceedings and manage contracts in a fair, transparent and efficient manner and to realize savings and value for money. The system also provides suppliers with increased access to markets without additional marketing efforts and a faster, efficient and cost effective method for quoting and monitoring their contracts’ execution. E-Procurement online courses have been prepared having in mind every player of the government procurement lifecycle, to facilitate them take advantage of every feature the system has to offer, and also to assist new players getting onboard. The courses have been tailored to every user, for smooth learning through videos, manuals and other interactive materials.

Our Audience

1- Enterpreneurs
Suppliers, consultants and contractors are at the center of Public procurement. It is therefore in our utmost interest to ensure youcomply with laws and regulations, that you are aware of available opportunities and also understand your rights and responsibilities. This platform will also bring you light if you desire to participate in public tenders.
2- Procurement Specialists
Are you new in Public procurement, or, would you like to know more about new regulations, different aspects of public procurement procedures, or the use of e-Procurement? Register today and perfect your knowledge at your pace!
3- Chief Budget Managers
Chief Budget Managers (CBMs) are urged to observe prudent Public Financial Management (PFM) if Rwanda is to meet its strategic development objectives. RPPA e-Learning platform makes it easier for CBMs to learn what is expected of them in their day-to-day duties, and at the same time have a holistic understanding of the different players’ roles for effective monitoring and enforcement of the law.
4- More...
More content available for legal Advisors, auditors, participants in public auctions or any one who needs to understand public procurement.

Contact Us

Physical Address

Plot No.2, KN 3 AV, 10th Floor, Grand Pension Plaza

Postal Address

P.O Box 4276 Kigali, Rwanda


+250 788 123 100



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